The EPC 'C' target for landlords is an evolving deadline. This guide covers everything landlords need to know.
Here, we look at what the Section 21 ban is about and at if-and-when it will come into force.
The Section 6 Notice confirmns the intention of a group of leasholders to buy a freehold off a landlord.
Selective licensing schemes require landlords to have a type of property license in certain areas.
It's not necessarily easy but it is entirely possible to do your conveyancing yourself.
In 2007, the government introduced a tenancy deposit scheme which requires all rental deposits to be protected.
Explore the legal framework of Section 13 Notice in the UK and its implications for landlords and tenants.
Explore the Section 40 Notice in UK property law, its role in business leases, serving process and obligations.
The provisions, practical implications, and frequently asked questions about the 1995 Act.
The Section 3 Notice, which is required when property ownership changes, ensures transparency and fairness.
Explore the essentials of Section 48 Notice in our comprehensive guide. Understand its purpose and legal implications.
It seems likely now that England will follow the other 3 countries in the UK and set up a national landlord register.
The Leasehold and freehold reform act and where do we stand
Explore our guide on The Decent Homes Standard - essential reading for landlords and investors.
Owning a property doesn’t mean you can do exactly as you like with it. Legal covenants might apply.
A compulsory purchase order is a legal order which can be used to acquire land and property from its owner.
The new Renting Homes (Wales) Act is now in force. Here is what landlords need to know.
Landlords and agents in Wales need to be registered with and licensed by, Rent Smart Wales.
Mortgage stress tests have been officially scrapped but what will this will mean for the property market?
Non-assured tenancies are tenancies which, where the rights of the tenant are not assured.
If you think your Council Tax bill is too high then it may be possible to get it cut.
There are many different scenarios in which you could claim a Council Tax discount.
The Immigration Act of 2014 received Royal Assent on the 14th of May, 2014.
A leashold represents the right to occupy a property for a number of years from a freeholder.
Being a landlord involves responsibility for certain repairs but which ones, exactly?
Squatters' rights are often exaggerated but they still apply in some circumstances.
The UK government has pushed back the oil boiler ban to 2035, affecting around 1.7 million households
Potentially, gas boilers could be banned in the UK in the not-too-distant future. Here’s everything you need to know.
The Housing Act, 1988 is still perhaps the most important statute in the rental market.
The Homelessness Reduction Act of 2017 is a law which aims to reduce homelessness.
Explore the UK's legislative approach to homelessness through a comprehensive review of the Homelessness Act 2002.